Client : EON Windpower :
Project : Camster Wind Farm 360° Video :
Whilst working at Atticus Digital, E.ON commissioned us to produce a 360° video, which could be viewed within a VR headset. The aim was to allow local residents to virtually be on site, so they can experience it almost first hand and judge the visual impact for themselves.
The turbine farm layout, in the Highlands of Scotland, was designed to ensure the surrounding area has minimal visual impact on the landscape whilst being capable of producing as much energy as possible. It is based outside any area that is protected for their ecological, geological or landscape value. In 2015, Camster generated enough electricity to power the equivalent of about 40,000 homes.
It has also contributed £200,000 from its community fund to date on local projects that benefit the local community.
Click here to view the 360° video